Organising Committee:
Dominique Barth, Laboratoire DAVID UVSQ et Fédération SIHS du CNRS
Eric Monacelli, Laboratoire LISV UVSQ et CEREMH
Jakob Puchinger, Laboratoire LGI CentraleSupélec et IRT SystemX
Pluridisciplinar scientific commitee:
Patrice Atknin, DS IRT SystemX, industrial systems,
Yoann Demoli, MdC PRINTEMPS (UVSQ), sociology of mobility,
Stéphanie Coeugnet-Chevrier, Chercheure, Institut Védécom, psychology and ergonomy,
Valérie Gyselink, DR LAPEA (Univ. Gustave Eiffel), psychology,
Patrick Haggard, Pr. UCL London, chaire d’Alembert IEA/Univ. Paris-Saclay, cognitive sciences,
Sandrine Lacour, DR CNRS, ISSP (ENS Cachan), politic and law sciences ,
Latiffa Oukhellou, dir. GRETTIA (Univ. Gustave Eiffel), computer sciences.
François Sarfati, Pr. Centre Pierre Naville (UEVE), sociology of work