Disorder in Complex Systems
Disorder in Complex Systems
Institut Pascal of Paris Saclay University offers an intensive 2 weeks introduction to the physics of disorder and complex systems. Lectures are taught by the faculty of Paris-Saclay and guest leading educators and scholars from other renowned institutions. The school is intended for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and professionals seeking to overcome traditional disciplinary boundaries in the fields relevant to the physics of complex systems.
Formal classes and seminars, are complemented by discussions and activities hosted by the laboratories of the University. The school covers basic concepts, tools, and current topics relevant to the problem of disorder in complex systems. These include glassy systems, nonlinear dynamics, scaling, soft matter, and other topical areas or case studies.
An internship program following the 2-week school is also offered to a smaller subset of selected participants.
We expect interactions among participants that can help fostering research projects and collaborations in an environment that is intended to bring together a diverse group.
Speaker List:
Elisabeth Agoritsas EPFL (Switzerland)
Thierry Giamarchi University of Geneva (Switzerland)
Statics and Dynamics of Disordered Elastic Systems (4h30, three lectures)
Marc Barthelemy IPhT, Université Paris-Saclay (France)
The statistical physics of cities (2h30, two lectures)
Elsa Bayart ENS de Lyon (France)
Fracture and friction (3h00, three lectures)
Pierre-Philippe Cortet CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay (France)
Basile Gallet, CEA, University Paris-Saclay (France)
Benjamin Favier CNRS, Aix-Marseille University (France)
An introduction to hydrodynamic turbulence (4h30, three lectures)
Takeshi Egami University of Tennessee (USA)
Structure and dynamics of highly disordered systems (4h30, three lectures)
Silvio Franz Université Paris-Saclay, LPTMS (France)
Recipes for Metastable States in Glasses (1h30, one lecture)
Lisa Manning Syracuse University (USA)
Dense disordered active matter (2h30, two lectures)
Kirsten Martens Université Grenoble Alpes (France)
The role of disorder for yielding and flow in the deformation process of amorphous materials (1h30, one lecture)
Julien Tailleur Université de Paris (France)
Emmanuel Trizac Université Paris-Saclay (France)
Introduction to the statistical physics of phase transitions and critical phenomena (5h00, four lectures)
Martin Van Hecke Leiden University (Netherland)
From Metamaterials to Machine Materials (2h30, two lectures)
Kay Wiese Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris (France)
Force-Force correlator in Disordered Elastic Systems (1h30, one lecture)
Timetable: Disorder in Complex Systems (7-17 June 2022): Timetable · IJCLab Events Directory (Indico) (in2p3.fr)
Contact of Scientific Organisers:
G. Baldinozzi (SPMS, Gif-sur-Yvette): gianguido.baldinozzi@centralesupelec.fr
D. Bonamy (SPEC, Gif-sur-Yvette): daniel.bonamy@cea.fr
A. Davaille (FAST, Gif-sur-Yvette): anne.davaille@universite-paris-saclay.fr
P. Guenoun (NIMBE, Gif-sur-Yvette): patrick.guenoun@cea.fr
A. Rosso (LPTMS, Gif-sur-Yvette): alberto.rosso@u-psud.fr
K. Van Der Beek (C2N, Palaiseau): kees.vanderbeek@c2n.upsaclay.fr
P. Urbani (IPhT, Gif-sur-Yvette): pierfrancesco.urbani@ipht.fr
For more information: https://indico.ijclab.in2p3.fr/event/7771/