Graduate schools
Study and research programmes take place in 17 different Graduate Schools and an Institute for Sciences of the Light
Our Graduate Schools and Institute cover three broad sectors: Science and Engineering, Life Sciences and Health, Human & Social Sciences.
These coordinated sets of Master's degrees, study and research programmes, and doctoral schools bring together teams that each work on a particular well-defined subject, discipline or mission. Their purpose is to give visibility to degrees, promoting their value, as well as to graduates and research activities both nationally and internationally, while also developing synergies and collaborations between academic players.
Graduate Schools
The Biosphera (Biology, Society, Ecology & Environment, Resources, Agriculture & Food Systems) Graduate School centres on life sciences and interactions between living organisms and their environments, with a view to addressing issues that concern the future of the biosphere and of our societies. Subjects include the ecological transition towards sustainable production systems in agriculture, resource management and use, and, more broadly, planet-wide changes and their impacts.
The "Chemistry" Graduate School trains up the stakeholders in the chemistry professions of tomorrow. Research and training are organized around the unifying concept of sustainable chemistry, in three main areas of expertise (Physical and analytical chemistry: elementary acts, experimental and theoretical methods // Inorganic, coordination and materials chemistry: interfaces and nanosciences // Organic chemistry). In addition, the Graduate School's activities are based around the major issues society faces in the fields of energy, the environment and health.
Computer Science
The "Computer Science" Graduate School trains up the engineers and researchers of the future, educating them on key subjects such as Big Data, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, cybersecurity and quantum computing. It also engages with major societal challenges and cross-disciplinary issues such as energy, industrial renewal, health, transport, education and personal safety.
Economics & Management
The "Economics & Management" Graduate School combines the best of research and education in economic sciences and management sciences. This school sets the standard on such subjects as digitisation, strategic management and innovation, territories and mobility, sustainable economy, food, health, energy, environment and climate, public decision-making, responsible management and marketing.
The "Education" Graduate School is a veritable learning community founded on education, vocational training, academic teaching and educational innovation, oriented towards the teaching professions and academic staff. Its purpose is to provide undergraduate studies and continuous education along the entire chain of teachers and academic staff from nursery school to higher education.
Engineering and Systems Sciences
The "Engineering and Systems Sciences" Graduate School gives courses in the fields of engineering sciences and associated digital sciences. It covers several major subject areas, each of them exploring and developing novel ways of designing, manufacturing, using and maintaining systems leading to future ecological and economic developments for our societies.
Geosciences, Climate, Environment, Planets
Students, academic staff and researchers at the "Geosciences, Climate, Environment, Planets" Graduate School study the surface layers of the Earth and other planets and how they function. The societal issues covered by these courses relate to climate change, pollution and the management of natural resources. Research and training are structured around three broad subject areas: Fluid surfaces and climate; Geosciences and environment; Solar system and planetology.
Health and Drug Sciences
The Graduate School (GS) of Health & Drug Sciences (HeaDS) gathers research and training activities focused on drugs and health products. The GS "HeaDS" develops multidisciplinary approaches combining chemistry, pharmaceutical sciences, biology, pathophysiology and clinical research to design, develop and provide access to innovative medicines, new diagnostic methods and medical devices for patients.
Humanities – Heritage Science
The "Humanities – Heritage Science" Graduate School teaches the fields of the arts, design, history, literature, French and foreign cultures and civilisations, musicology, information and communication sciences, and heritage science (archaeometry, archaeology, archaeomaterials, chemistry, history of the arts, physics, paleoenvironment and their associated methods).
The Graduate School "Droit" is founded on three defining areas. The first is international openness. The second is direct involvement in the socio-economic fabric of the territory, composed of the entities currently exercising the judicial and legal professions in which the Graduate School educates its students: courts, local authorities, public administrations and licensed professions. The third area involves building stronger links with other disciplines to carry out research and training projects in various fields, such as the environment, social and solidarity economy, and artificial intelligence.
Life Sciences and Health
The "Life Sciences and Health" Graduate School takes an integrative approach to life sciences, from the study of how molecular mechanisms in biological systems function and interact, to their integration at all levels, including on the evolutionary, pathophysiological and biotechnological scales. The school is concerned with the study of fundamental mechanisms in models that represent the biodiversity of living organisms, placing a strong focus on microorganisms, plants, animals and humans.
The "Mathematics" Graduate School teaches a range of subjects from pure mathematics to interfaces with related fields (life sciences, computer science, computational science and engineering, theoretical physics). It covers both the fundamentals and the applications of cryptography and theoretical physics, as well as all aspects of analysis, including mathematical physics, geometry, topology and dynamical systems, probability, quantitative finance, statistical physics, conformal theories and quantum gravity.
The "Physics" Graduate School covers all the major disciplinary fields and methods of physics, from fundamental to applied, theory, modelling and simulation, instrumentation and laboratory experiments, from elementary to instrumental physics, from the core subject to interfaces incorporating current societal issues. Research is structured around three main subject areas: physics of the two infinities, physics of waves and matter, and astrophysics.
Public Health
The "Public Health" Graduate School has a very wide range of education and research programmes, incorporating most aspects of public health, from statistics to life sciences, and human and social sciences: human and animal epidemiology, clinical research methodology, health and environment, health promotion and economics, biostatistics and health data sciences, as well as ethics.
Research and Higher Education
The " Research and Higher Education" Graduate School has a personalised approach to education, with a "pre-doctorate + doctorate" methodology. It provides a place for exchange and a framework in which to experiment with enhanced new educational pathways and practices, particularly of the cross- and multi-disciplinary kind. These courses are based on the Master's programmes of Graduate Schools in the disciplines concerned, complementing them and leading to a double degree. Working closely with research laboratories, they give students sustained contact with the research community from the early stages of their studies.
Sociology and Political Science
Centred on two closely related disciplines, the "Sociology and Political Science" Graduate School covers four multidisciplinary research areas that are highly visible both nationally and internationally: Environment, territories and transitions; Work, employment and professions; Sociology of public action; Data analysis.
Sport, Movement, Human Factors
The "Sport, Movement, Human Factors" Graduate School upholds standards of excellence in the study of sport, physical education, adapted physical activity, training and performance optimisation, ergonomics, management and engineering for purposes of advancing human movement. It provides a dynamic environment based on top quality academic research and backed by professional partners in the sports, leisure and health sectors.
Institute for the Sciences of Light
The Institute for the Sciences of Light is a cross-disciplinary institution without walls. It was created on the back of a century-old tradition in this part of France, famed for its history of optical engineering, specialising both in fundamental research and in education. Following up its unique past, the Institute fosters collaborations between teams working in this field and contributes to advances in sciences of the light in all areas, from the most theoretical to the most applied.